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Covid-19 FAQS for Students

May 19, 2020

Coronavirus has changed the landscape of the education sector. We have pulled together a list of frequently asked questions from students to provide you with direction.

Coronavirus has changed the landscape of the education sector. We have pulled together a list of frequently asked questions from students to provide you with direction.

Will my university remain open?

Yes. Most face to face meetings have stopped however the majority of universities have chosen to provide seminars and content through webinars and video calls. Your university will have a dedicated team to handle communications at this time. Visit your institution's page to find out exactly how they’re operating.

What will happen to my final exams and coursework?

The government and universities are trying their hardest to formulate a positive solution for all current students. Regular guidance from the university and college regulator has been set out for institutions.

Will I still receive my maintenance loan?

Maintenance loans are still being provided for the remainder of the academic year.If you require additional weeks of study, you are advised to get in touch with Student Finance England or SAAS for further advice.

What will happen to my place next year at university?

This varies from university to university. You’ll need to speak to the communications department at your chosen university.

I’m a college student, what will happen to my place at university?

The process currently remains the same and your university place will be secure for September 2020. Results days are anticipated to stay on the same days too. For up-to-date information for new university students, head over to UCAS’ covid-19 information

Will my course start date be delayed?

As above, the government and universities are trying to keep things as close to originally planned as possible. Your course is most likely going to start on the date you were originally given. Initially, this may be online until restrictions are reduced further. Keep in regular contact with your selected university.

Will I still have lectures?

Yes. Lectures are planned to carry on as normal, whether this is in a socially distanced setting or digitally/remotely.

What will happen to exams now?

Some exams have changed to coursework projects, open-book exams and others have been dropped altogether. Be prepared for slight changes to your course and the modules set out at the start of your course. Our blog has some useful tips to help you focus:

Will I still have freshers?

This is dependent on government guidelines for England and Scotland as social distancing is set to be in place for some time. It’s possible that some freshers fairs will be open with social distancing measures in place.

How should I handle group projects?

Try and complete the tasks digitally and assign them to individual people. Create regular video meetings to catch up with the team and offer support where you can.

Can I still use the library?

University libraries are currently closed however some libraries have online archives that you can use for assignments. City libraries also have options for students so make sure you check those out too.A number of universities aren’t issuing penalties for the late return of library resources, please check with your library.

I’m a non-UK national due to start an international placement. What should I do?

Keep up to date with the travel advice from your home FCO (or equivalent) and they will guide you on whether it is advisable to travel to the UK for university placements.

How do I stay on top of my wellbeing during the lockdown?

Mind have published some advice and guidance to help you with mental health and wellbeing during these challenging times. Save the student has also released an article with links to help students isolating at university.If you would like some more information about Covid-19 head over to our website. Alternatively, please contact us below if you have any further questions.

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