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These adulting hacks will help you survive uni

Sep 9, 2019

Whether you’re living away from home for the first time or you’re a seasoned third year, we’ve all got a bit of life learning to do. There are actually a few simple tricks you can do to fast track to becoming a life expert. Here’s a couple of pointers to get on top of life.

Whether you’re living away from home for the first time or you’re a seasoned third year, we’ve all got a bit of life learning to do. There are actually a few simple tricks you can do to fast track to becoming a life expert. Here’s a couple of pointers to get on top of life.Meal prepGet organised at the end of the weekend or the start of the week, and make a weeks worth of meals. By cooking in bulk you’ll be able to eat healthier, save time and money. Don’t prep for any more than 5 days of meals, most of the food won’t last more than 3 days so make sure you freeze the rest. Put it in the fridge the night before to defrost it for the next day. Meals don’t have to be super complicated either, search for your perfect 3- 5 ingredient meal.

Meal Prep

Master a signature dishWhilst we’re on the topic of cooking, why not impress all your uni friends by perfecting a signature dish. Nothing says I’m an adult like cooking an unbelievable dish, you’ll have everyone singing your praises for weeks to come.

Signature Dish

Set goalsWho doesn’t love ticking off a goal from a checklist, in fact, it’s proven to make you feel great. Ticking something off the list releases a small amount of dopamine that not only makes you feel great but motivates you to tick more things off. Start small then aim big, having a weekly to-do list will make you feel like you’re really accomplishing things.

To Do List

Mini-budgeting In a world of digital currency, cash is king for budgeting. Withdraw a set amount of spends in cash at the start of the week, it makes it harder to overspend.

Take some time out to yourselfMeeting people and socialising constantly can be draining. Spend a bit of time to yourself to clear your head and get your priorities in order. Lock yourself in your room and lose yourself in a book or go for a walk around the local park.

Time Out

Plan AheadThis one might seem simple in principle, but when the hand wash, toothpaste, toilet roll etc. is less than half finished set a reminder in your calendar to restock. This way you’ll be able to stay on top of things by picking up daily essentials before they run out.

Shopping List

Make the bed This may sound normal to you but for those of you that don’t make the bed in the morning, start now. It’s great for instantly making the room look tidy, and you’ll feel satisfied every time you come home to a freshly made bed.

Make the Bed

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