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News from our universities: Dundee

Jul 10, 2020

At the end of last month, the University of Dundee’s vice principal of education, Blair Grubb, wrote to students informing them of the latest updates from the university on their response to the Coronavirus pandemic and how it will affect people’s return to campus.

At the end of last month, the University of Dundee’s vice principal of education, Blair Grubb, wrote to students informing them of the latest updates from the university on their response to the Coronavirus pandemic and how it will affect people’s return to campus.

He said staff are continuing with their plans to ensure a safe return for students when the next academic year starts in October. Teaching at Dundee next year is expected to be delivered via a blended approach comprising a mixture of face-to-face lectures and seminars and online delivery of classes. (If your course moves completely online, you can click here to find out some of the ways we are working to support you).

The university has published a new set of guides for returning to campus which it says students should take the time to familiarise themselves with.While the Scottish government is easing its Coronavirus restrictions more slowly than other parts of the UK, Covid-19 infection rates in Tayside, where the University of Dundee is located, remain “extremely” low, and staff there hope that more face-to-face teaching will return as lockdown is further eased.

Semester One teaching will end on Friday 18 December 2020. Teaching in Semester Two will begin on 18 January 2021, and the remainder of the academic session remains as already communicated by the university. We’ll update you with more information from the University of Dundee as we receive it.

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