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How to Make Money Part-Time

Mar 16, 2018

As a student, you might find that money gets a bit tight from time to time, so getting a part-time job makes perfect sense. But only if you choose wisely!

The student lifestyle is famous for many things, and being skint is one of the less glamorous aspects of it, but there are numerous ways to avoid this and make some money whilst studying. Part-time jobs are one of the options open to you, but there are plenty of other ways that you can get some cash.

Become a Tutor

Why not share your knowledge by tutoring A-level or high-school students? With sites like Udemy, you can become an instructor and make money from the comfort of home by sharing your skills with people around the world.

Get Paid for Online Surveys

They might not pay much individually, but complete enough surveys in your spare time and they will soon add up. Give Swagbucks a try – it rewards you for everything from completing surveys to simply browsing the web or playing games.

Become a Delivery Driver

Got a car or bicycle? Put it to good use by becoming a delivery driver. Thanks to the likes of Uber Eats and Deliveroo, becoming a delivery driver is now a popular choice for students, with food-delivery companies offering flexibility by having no set shifts or rotas that need to be followed.

Work in Hospitality and Retail

Hospitality and retail aren’t the most glamorous ways to make some extra cash, but there’s a reason why they’re the most popular choice for student jobs. Businesses are always eager to find people who are willing to work in the evenings or at the weekends, offering you the perfect opportunity to make some money without affecting your studies.

Sell Your Skills

Try Upwork or Fiverr for some freelancing gigs, and make the most of your skills. Listings are usually for one-off jobs in design, programming, or writing, but you never know what you might find! If you’re particularly handy with art, design, or making things, Etsy lets you sell everything from handmade items to custom prints and document templates.

Declutter Your Wardrobe

Take note from #GirlBoss Sophia Amoruso and start flogging those charity-shop finds on eBay. If you take the time to style the items and take some decent pictures, you can make a profit from selling high-street favourites and vintage pieces.

Work for Your University

The pay is decent, they understand that your studies come first, and you already know where you’ll be working. What’s not to love? Universities will even pay you for taking part in the initial training, so you’ll be making money before you even work your first shift.

Become an Extra

You’ll have to be savvy to make a regular income from it, but sign up to a few different agencies and you could be making £65-£100 a day. It’s decent pay for standing around on camera, and you might even spot some of your favourite actors along the way.

Be a Brand Ambassador

Large companies like Smirnoff, Nestle, and RBS Group are always looking for students to represent them on campus, especially during big events like freshers’ week. Because it’s not a regular gig, give this a try if you don’t have the availability for a part-time job but still want to have some extra income to fall back on.

Use Cashback Websites

By using affiliate links, you can earn back a percentage of your purchases from popular retailers like John Lewis and Argos. However, things can go wrong and you might not always get paid when you expect to, so treat cashback as an extra bonus on purchases you would be making anyway, rather than a certainty.

So before you start working on your application to the bank of mum and dad, make sure to give these part-time money-making options a try. To give your account an extra boost, you can always have different things on the go at the same time – as long as they’re not getting in the way of your studies!

It’s important to live in a place that you love while you’re at uni, too! Check out our amazing accommodation options to find your perfect pad.

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