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Getting over the January blues

Jan 10, 2020

It’s that time of the year again where we have to kick start our bodies after the Christmas period. It’s dark and cold and everyone’s starting to feel a bit down. But don’t worry as we’re here for you, and we’ve pulled together a few things that can help you get over the January Blues.

It’s that time of the year again where we have to kick start our bodies after the Christmas period. It’s dark and cold and everyone’s starting to feel a bit down. But don’t worry as we’re here for you, and we’ve pulled together a few things that can help you get over the January Blues.

Get out more

Getting as much natural sunlight as possible is a sure way to increase the blood flow to the brain and in turn, increase your serotonin levels. (The things that alter our moods, appetite and sleep). We know that sounds hard in the UK, but just because it’s overcast doesn’t mean there isn’t any sunlight.

Fix your body clock

The New Year break is a time when all routine goes out of the window, and this is one of the reasons that gets us down. Try to get back into a routine as soon as possible and spend as much of the day in the daylight. Check out the daylight alarm clocks too, they’re great for making you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Don’t set unrealistic resolutions

Dry January, losing 13 stone in a year or a holiday a week are big commitments, ok maybe not dry January. Failing to achieve big commitments could end up making you feel worse. Try to stick to small achievable resolutions. Not only will you feel great accomplishing them but you’ll be able to do more in the year too. Take a moment and write a list of little things you want to achieve this year.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone

This one might take a little of self convincing but if you’re stuck in a rut, why not push yourself out of your comfort zone and pick up a new hobby. You’ll meet lots of new people in the same situation and learn a cool new skill/hobby at the same time.


Forget about the blues by being productive. Roll up your sleeves and get stuck in to your coursework or revision before the real work starts. This may not be the best way to beat the blues but you might just thank us later for this one.

Plan a trip

You’ve been away from your friends for a couple of weeks now, do you need a better reason for a trip away? It doesn’t have to be abroad, there are plenty of cheap alternatives in the UK. Look out for the January deals for countryside breaks or plan a day trip instead. If you're in Dundee why not head out to Broughty Ferry Beach for a wintery coastal walk. For those in Salford, grab your camera and head to Lyme Park or Dovestone Reservoir, you'll be able to clear your head and get some epic Instagram worthy snaps.

Talk to someone

A problem shared is a problem halved, its true. Plan a sit down with your friends or family and you’ll feel better getting things off your chest. If there’s anything you need to talk to us about, please feel free to pop down to reception.Have you got any tips to help get over the January blues? We’d love to hear from you

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