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Clearing at the University of Dundee

Aug 5, 2021

Applying through clearing need not be overwhelming. Check out our guide to clearing and your options at the University of Dundee.

Clearing and your options at the University of Dundee

Each year thousands of students get the university place of their dreams through clearing.

Whether you had your heart set on a specific course or university location, choosing your options through clearing is an important decision and not one to be taken lightly. 

But how does clearing work? To ensure you get the best outcome, it’s important to do your research and not to rush any decisions. This guide is aimed at students looking for clearing and your options at the University of Dundee in particular.

What is clearing?

Clearing is a process used by universities to fill any course vacancies. It also presents another chance for you to find a place if you didn’t make the grades you needed to get into your firm university choice. 

Many universities, including the University of Dundee, will have places available. UCAS clearing is used to help applicants find and apply for the remaining places across the UK.

Clearing helps universities too, as they don’t want empty spaces in their lecture come September. 

Even if you didn’t originally submit an application earlier in the year, you can apply for a university place through clearing.

Who can apply through clearing in 2021?

To understand how clearing works, you’ll need to know the criteria. You are eligible for clearing at the University of Dundee if any of the following apply:

  • You didn’t get the exam results you needed or don’t meet the entry requirements for your firm or insurance university choice
  • You missed the application deadline, or are applying after 30th June
  • You didn’t receive any university offers or verbal offers
  • Or, you’ve changed your mind about the courses, or universities you applied for, and want to apply for a different course

If you are unsure whether any of the above applies to you you can check the University of Dundee website directly. 

How to find your place at the University of Dundee through clearing

Clearing at the University of Dundee opened on 5th July and will run until mid-October, but most clearing places won’t become available until Scottish Highers and A level results day, which is 10th August. 

While some courses may be visible on the University of Dundee website now, you may wish to wait until after results day to start looking for the best course for you. 

It’s worth waiting to see your results before applying to Dundee through clearing at the beginning of July 2021. You may have done better than you first thought.

Some universities, including Dundee, may still offer a place if you’ve narrowly missed the grades, especially if it’s just by one grade, so it’s best to be armed with your results before applying through clearing.

It’s important to note that once results are released, clearing spots are quickly snapped up, and many are filled immediately after results day. This isn’t to say you won’t get a place at the University of Dundee, but the longer you wait, the fewer options there will be to consider.

How to prepare for clearing 2021 at The University of Dundee

Whether you think you’ve nailed your exams, or you’re worried they didn’t go as well as you hoped, it’s important to prepare a backup plan, just in case. 

As we mentioned above, clearing places go pretty quickly once you’ve got your results, so making a plan of action for the day can be useful. Use these tips as a starting point:

  • Check out the University of Dundee website for a list of courses you’d like to apply for (and order them by preference if you can)
  • Make a note of the University of Dundee’s contact details in case you need to speak to the departments you’re interested in. 
  • Do some practice interviews, think about the courses you’re applying for and why you’re passionate about them

Most importantly, try not to panic. Clearing can feel overwhelming, and the stress of results day can mean students make the mistake of taking any university place they can get. 

Take your time before and after results day to decide what you want, and lean on your school or college advisor for guidance.

What about when you’ve got your place?

Now comes the exciting part! It’s time to choose your student accommodation and finance options. 

Mears Student Life offers student accommodation options to suit all budgets and requirements in The Old Mill, Dundee.

Find the perfect accommodation for you today.

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