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5 Steps to Choosing the Right Uni Course for You

Nov 8, 2018

Can’t decide what and where to study for your degree course? Here are five simple steps you can take to help you choose the best course at the right university.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of degree courses out there, how do you find the right one at the right university for you?The process of going through courses, and degree, and universities can seem daunting. As a student, you and your family can focus too much on only some of the most important aspects of choosing the right uni course and miss other less obvious, but equally important, issues – but don’t worry, we’re giving you a few tips to help you get off to a great start in your academic adventure.

  1. Choose a Degree Subject

It’s really important that you pick a topic that you could possibly see a future in or at least one that you’re highly fond of; one that’s not only enjoyable but is also helpful in reaching your future goals.This should be fairly straightforward for students who have a specific career path in mind, but if you’re not sure what you want to do with your life (which is absolutely fine) then you might want to start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What subjects do I enjoy studying – in school and in my spare time?
  • Are there any subjects that I’m particularly good at?
  • What do I want to do as a career after university? What’s the best degree subject that will help me get there
  1. Decide Where You’d Like to Study

Finding the right course can often mean you have move away from your hometown, so if you’re not down for relocating then it’s best to limit your search to local universities from the get-go. But if you’re itching to fly the nest then there are two things you need to find out; which city has access to resources that you need to enhance your studies, and which university is the best to specialise in your chosen subject.Make sure you find yourself a place where you would love to live, because if you’re happy in your life, you’ll be happy in your studies.>

  1. Research Everything

And we mean everything! The more you know about the options at hand, the easier it is to refine your choices. So find out as much as you can about the courses, and their course content, teaching methods, and final assessments.The internet, course prospectuses, family and friends, and people who are already studying the course are your best sources of information and insights. You should also attend open days and make every effort to speak to lecturers, tutors, or school admins as they will facilitate your decision-making. If nothing else, you get to soak up the atmosphere and get a feel for where you will potentially spend the next few years.

  1. Compare Your Options

No two universities will offer the same courses for the same degree. If you’re torn between different possibilities, you should take the following factors into account when comparing courses:

  • The reputation and ranking for the course – refer to QS World Rankings or Times Higher Educations
  • The course structure, modules, and timetable, whether they suit your studying preferences
  • Additional opportunities that the courses offer, like work placements, chances to meet industry leaders, or options to study abroad

Now you know why we suggested you do your research, huh?

  1. Consider Your Career Prospects

A key part of choosing the right degree and university for you is considering where these choices can take you once you’ve graduated, because ultimately, you’re pursuing higher education to develop employable skills.A degree will not only give you the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of your chosen subject but also to learn and harness transferable skills like communication, critical thinking, presentation, and teamwork; so choose a degree that will equip you with both the hard and soft skills you need to succeed in the future.

Found the Perfect Degree for You?

Congratulations! Now go and check out our blog for some helpful student-living tips, including this one on all the important things you should look out for when accommodation-hunting and this guide to washing your clothes> (you can thank us later).

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